Make Shopping Safe

Sign up below to view our exclusive Make Shopping Safe insight session with a featured Axfood story and learn about practicing safe retail during the Coronavirus pandemic & in the future.

  • 4 June 2020
  • Watch online
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The Safe Shopping insight session is available on demand, and has an informative agenda with new material, never-before-shared presentations, practical examples of implementing safe retail, and a case study about industry-leading Swedish grocery retailer Axfood.


  • Changes in consumer behavior due to digitalization & Coronavirus
  • Retailer implementations to improve customer experience
  • Axfood Customer Story – Digitalisation and ongoing Coronavirus Disease response
  • Future retail impact
  • Q&A

If you have any questions regarding our solutions, please get in touch with our team!

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Learn the key components to practicing safe retail during the current pandemic & in the future.

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